Talk to stores around you about Shopkite, earn money.
Let's start with Shopkite Merchant
Simply put, Shopkite Merchant shrinks the big point of sale systems used in pharmacies and supermarkets into an app on your phone.
No need for big and bulky point of sale systems, you just install Shopkite Merchant on your tablet or mobile phone, period!
Tell someone about it
Every pharmacy and supermarket owner you talk to about Shopkite Merchant is very likely to sign up on it because, it was specially designed for them.
Shopkite Merchant is for every kind of pharmacy or supermarket - big, medium or small, everyone can use it.
Are you ready?

Speak with confidence
Don't be worried, what you are speaking about "carries weight". Understand how Shopkite Merchant works and show it to anyone you are speaking with.
Are you fired up?

Don't sell, recommend!
You are helping pharmacies and supermarkets by telling them about Shopkite Merchant. You are not trying to convince them, you are bringing them to the light.
Want to start right now?

Read the handbook
Everything you need to understand about being a Shopkite agent can be found in this handbook.
It will explain the various ways and how much you can earn as a dedicated Shopkite agent. You will find answer to the questions you may want to ask.